10 MP3 files (320 kbps)
All sound written/produced/arranged/performed/recorded by TaeSang Cho & Jowall
except track 5 text written by HaeGue Yang,
synthesizer performed by Emily Petcock & HaeGue Yang.
모임 별
가네샤, 허유, 조태상, 조월 ,이윤이, 박창용. members are
Ganesha, Yu Hur, TaeSang Cho, Jowall, YunYi Yi & ChangYong Park.
*월간뱀파이어 여섯번째호는
베를린에 기반을 둔 패션/아트 듀오 BLESS의
2008 s/s collection의 공식 lookbook인 'BLESS No.32 Frustverderber'로서도 기능하며
BLESS와의 협업으로 제작되었음.
+본 프로젝트는 미술가 양혜규의 제안과 소개로 이루어졌음.
+BLESS측의 디자인은 manuel raeder가 담당하였음.
*6th issue of Monthly Vampire, A Magazine is
made in collaboration with BLESS Paris/Berlin.
it also is an official lookbook for BLESS' 2008 s/s collection.
+Manuel Raeder was in charge of BLESS' graphic designs.
+Artist Haegue Yang introduced the both sides of this project and made it happen.